
Installation and Configuration Script for Dxspider with Mojo

With this script you can install and configure in the few minutes the DxSpider Cluster with Mojo

For any issue or support relevant to script:

  1. Create issue ticket here
  2. Use comment or contact form

Installation Steps

With this script you can install and configure in the few minutes the DxSpider Cluster with MOJO repository

Installation Steps

Download script.

wget -O

Must be run as root user.

Uncompress & change permissions


cd dxspider_installation_v2-main/

chmod a+x

Run script and follow the messages.


Script has been tested on the following Operating Systems (Linux Distributions)

CentOS 7
CentOS 8
Rocky 8
Raspbian 9 (stretch)
Raspbian 10 (buster)
Raspbian 11 (bullseye)
Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
Fedora Linux 37 (Server Edition)
Fedora Linux 37 (Workstation Edition)

Bitx40 is under assembly status

I have started it to assembly in the temporally case my bitx40.

Also I have loaded it sketch raduino_v1.15 by Allard PE1NWL. The sketch provides additional features such as USB, CW, RIT/SPLIT etc. but these will only become functional when the related (minimal) hardware mods are made. I have make for the moment the modification for CW carrier.

 [print_gllr id=3452184]

Problem with TVI interference

My problem was when I worked in 40m ( with power over 40 watt) my the  TV (LCD) was started automatically start up and shutdown.

I tried with differend ways to solve this problem but the result it was disappointing. After lot of  hours studing I found the solution.

The Combined Braid Breaker and High-Pass Filter.

This device prevents HF signal currents from flowing down the inner or outer of the co-axial cable. L1 has a low reactance to HF or VHF signals, thereby bypassing the interfering current, whereas C1 and C2 have high reactance to HF and VHF, effectively locking signals to the receiver. L2 provides a further short-circuit (to HF and VHF signals) across the connections on the receiver side of the filter. Continue reading…