
CW Keyer with Arduino Nano

This project has base on the  K3NG Arduino keyer open-source firmware adding many features and flexibility.

The firmware is open source code provided by K3NG so you can customize it to fit your needs.

The Keyer is suitable as a standalone keyer or for keying the radio via the USB port from a connected computer and your favoured contest logging software or for daily operation.


    • CW speed adjustable from 1 to 99 WPM
    • Programming and interfacing via USB port (“command line interface”)
    • Logging and Contest Program Interfacing via K1EL Winkey 1.0 and 2.0 interface protocol emulation
    • Optional PTT outputs with configurable lead, tail, and hang times
    • Up to 12 memories with macros
    • Serial numbers
    • CW keyboard (via a terminal server program like Putty or the Arduino Serial program)
    • Speed potentiometer (optional – speed also adjustable with commands)
    • QRSS and HSCW
    • Beacon / Fox mode
    • Iambic A and B
    • Straight key support
    • Ultimatic mode
    • Bug mode
    • CMOS Super Keyer Iambic B Timing
    • Paddle reverse

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Sound Card Interface version 1.0

Here is my Sound Card Interface. This works with all digital modes (RTTY,SSTV, PSK, etc) and CW. This is my first version is very simple design.

Furthermore I have started the design new interface with new features such as with support usb sound card and rs232 to usb.


Install DxSpider on Raspberry Pi

Revision: 1.01 – 12/11/2018

Here you find my installations guide how to install dxspider on raspberry Pi. Also you can find more information here If you need help please contact with me.

Furthermore if you don’t want make manual installation you can used my script for the installation and configuration Dxspider.

1. Fisrt change user from pi to root

$ sudo su -l

2. Create user sysop and setup password

# adduser -m sysop 

# passwd sysop

3. Install perl libraries

# apt-get update 

# apt-get install libtimedate-perl libnet-telnet-perl libcurses-perl libdigest-sha-perl libdata-dumper-simple-perl

4. Now download and  unpack the DX Spider distribution, set symbolic links and group permissions. Copy the tarball to /home/sysop and do the following.

# cd ~sysop 

# wget 

# tar xvfz CVSlatest.tgz 

# ln -s ~sysop/spider /spider 

# groupadd -g 251 spider

If you do not have the command ‘groupadd’ available to you, simply add a line in /etc/group by hand.

# vi /etc/group

You also need to add some others to the group, including your own callsign (this will be used as an alias) and root. The finished line in /etc/group should look something like this:


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